Friday, 30 September 2016

Nigeria Now

A country where all was cheap
A nation where the masses could afford the basic necessities of life Is now a place where the prices of every existing commodity has inflated
The exchange rate from dollar to naira has tripled Petrol per liter price has increased
Food items have become very costly
Most of the things we consume her are imported or made from imported raw materials
Shelter, clothing, electronics, books, services, taxes now require exorbitant pay
Parents/guardians struggle to provide for their children
Kids are being withdrawn from private schools
Everyone strives to get by every day Social vices have become rampant
Companies are cutting down the number of staffs they have as a result of insufficient funds
No jobs for graduates
They say our economy is recessed
Things are not getting better
The situation worsens by the day
People are suffering
The masses are crying and pleading
We need an immediate and effective solution

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