Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Girls!! Beware!!!

Guys claim to love you

They make you feel worthy

They would be there to steal your heart

BUT be careful

A boy who is of God would never ask you to have sex with him

This is where the most of us get it wrong

They would give you time so you can get to trust them

It may be a year or two

Then, the question or let me say, demand, pops in


I tell you, never give in

Experience is the best teacher

Ask someone who’s 'been there' to share their story with you

You’ll the discover that a 10 to 15 minutes act can cost you your bright future

I Thank You Lord

Thank you for the blessings that come my way

I glorify you for the privilege of waking up every day

May your name be exalted on high

I thank you for all the people you’ve put in my life

I thank you because I was not smitten by the enemy

I thank you for the potentials you have given unto me

I will forever worship you, Lord

For your steadfast love and mercies endure forever

My Mother

A woman of virtue

Full of wisdom and knowledge of the spirit

Guides me in all my dealings

She loves me unconditionally

She makes thing right although I disobey her and create problems

She starves so that I can be filled

She sacrifices a lot for my sake

My mother is a rare gem and an original African woman

Heavenly Father, I pray that you keep my mother alive in good health so that she can enjoy the fruits of her labor, Amen.

How To Pattern Your Life After Jesus Christ

Jesus was perfect in these areas;

1. Power: - He had the power of God manifest in Him. He yielded himself under God’s power to be used by Him to fulfill all the promises and create the new covenant.
2. Prayer: - Jesus knew how to pray and get results. He asked for what He wanted knowing that God was always true to his words.
3. Compassion(love): - He showed love and mercy to all. He felt pity for those who needed to be delivered from the hands of the devil. He was moved by the afflictions of His people.
4. Evangelism: - Jesus was not ashamed of preaching to the world and turning their hearts back to the Lord. He bore witness to His father in heaven and went the extra mile so His Father’s will was done.
5. Humility: - Jesus Christ our Savior was humble and down to earth. He did not let the fact that he was the son of the Most High get into His head. He humbled himself despite how great he was and so we all should emulate him.
6. Obedience: - He did all what was required of him. He obeyed His parent’s instructions and pleased God in all his dealings.
7. Wisdom: - He was filled with the spirit of wisdom. He received knowledge from above and insight into all things.
8. Faith: - Jesus had absolute faith in God. He believes and didn’t doubt that God perform wonders through him. He believed he had received what he asked for and so he received every thing he requested of from God.
9. Holiness: - Jesus lived as a holy man and was pure in spirit. He was sinless and was the most righteous man on earth.
10. Word: - Jesus spoke with wisdom and taught using words that had life and salvation in them. He carefully sought out words which are changing lives till today.

He is an embodiment of perfection.

Jesus has made us joint-heirs with him and so all the power that God gave him he also gave us. We should learn to be like him and impact other peoples’ lives by preaching His Gospel.
The grace of God is without measure in the life of a true believer.

Jesus As A Youth

The Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.

His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast.

The feast came to an end after some days and Jesus’ parents returned while the boy Jesus stayed back at Jerusalem. His parents were not aware of this.

But supposing Him to have been in the company, they went about looking for him among their relatives and acquaintances.

They couldn’t find him and so they returned to Jerusalem in search of him. And after three days, they found Him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking questions.

Everyone who heard and saw Jesus marveled at his understanding and His inquiries. When His parents found Him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us so?” Behold, your father and I have been looking for you anxiously.” And He said to them, “How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”

Not one of them understood what he had said. But he hearkened to their voice and went with them to Nazareth. He continued to be obedient and he was full of wisdom.

Jesus increased in wisdom, knowledge, understanding, might, counsel and the fear of the Lord. The Spirit of God was with him and he found favor with God and man.

The People Who First Heard About Jesus' Arrival On Earth

In the region where Jesus was born, there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear.
The angel said to them, “be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
Then suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of other angels praising God and saying, “Glory be to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”
When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.’
And they went, searching with haste, until they found Mary, Joseph and the new-born lying in a manger.
When they saw that this was true, they made known all the saying which had been told to them concerning the child. All who listened to their testimony wondered at what the shepherds had told them.
And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard.
It came to be that Jesus was born when Herod was king. Wise men saw a large shining star in the sky which signified the dawned of something great on earth. These wise men who were three in number left the East where they were and went searching for THE NEW THING.
The three wise men went to Jerusalem, saying, ‘where is he who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him.”
When King Herod heard this, he became troubled, and all Jerusalem with him, were troubled too. Herod assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people and inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
The chief priests and scribes told him,” In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall arise a ruler who will govern my people Israel’.”
Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star appeared; and he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “go and search diligently for the child and when you have found him bring me word that I too may come and worship him.”
The wise men heard the king and looking for the child. And behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, leading them to where the Christ was.
When they reached the manger, the star stood over there. Seeing that the star had stopped over there, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy for they knew that they had reached their destination.
The three wise men went into the manger and found the child with Mary his mother. They fell down and worshiped him for they knew that he was the promised Savior.
The men opened their treasures and offered him gifts. Each of them gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh which signified His work, His suffering and His death respectively.
The wise men passed the night there and were warned in a dream not to Herod. And so they followed another route to their own country.
When Jesus’ visitors had departed, behold, an angel of the lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child to destroy him.”
Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt. He remained there with his family until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt have I called my son.”
Herod was in a furious rage when he acknowledged the fact that he had been tricked by the wise men. He sent warriors to go kill all the male children in Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time which the wise men had seen the star.
Then the prophesy of prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:”A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled because they were no more.”
When Herod was dead, an angel of the lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”
Joseph rose and took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of Herod his father, he was afraid to go there.
He then decided to settle down at Galilee in the city of Nazareth. That which was spoken by the prophets was fulfilled, “He shall be called a Nazarene.” And that is why we refer to the Christ as Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The Birth of Jesus Christ

This was how it took place;
A virgin whose name was Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter.
It was then found that she was pregnant with a child. Mary had not slept with any man, when this incident occurred. It was definitely a mystery to all who heard about it.
Joseph, being a just man and having liked her very much, decided to divorce her quietly. But as he was still considering the action he wanted to take, an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save His people from their sins.
All this took place to fulfill what the lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (which means, God with us).
Jesus was supposed to grow up as every normal child should be brought up. He was to be ordinary and receive both fatherly and motherly love. He was to be placed under the cover of a carpenter.
When Joseph woke up from sleep, he did as he was told. He married Mary and took up the responsibility of catering for both mother and child.
In those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world, each man to his own city should be enrolled. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, From Nazareth City, with his heavy wife, to his own city in Judea. He went to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary.
When they reached Bethlehem City, the time came for her to give birth to her baby. There was no space for them in all the houses as every man had returned with his family for the enrollment.
The only place they could lodge in was a manger. A manger is a place where farm animals are kept. Mary gave birth to her first-born son there and wrapped him in swaddling clothes.

The Gospel of Christ

The Promise of The Messiah

Prophet Isaiah had prophesied, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace’.”

Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time forth and for evermore. The zeal o the lord of hosts will do this.” (Isaiah 9:6-7)

Prophet Jeremiah was also told, “Behold the days are coming, says the lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and He will reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which will be called: ‘The lord is our righteousness.’ (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

Prophet Ezekiel, “My servant David shall be king over them; and they shall all have one shepherd. They shall follow my ordinances and be careful to observe my statutes. They shall dwell in the land where your fathers dwelt that I gave to my servant Jacob; they and their children and their children’s children shall dwell there forever; and David my servant shall be their prince forever.

I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will bless them and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for ever-more.(Ezekiel 37:24-26)

Love Freely

Whenever people hurt you and make you feel bad

You have to choose whether to be affected by their words and actions

They belittle you

They try to discourage you from achieving your dreams

Keep on loving just the same

Guard your inner man and protect it from the agents of darkness

Show mercy and love to both those who love and hate you

It’s just a matter of time before we will stand before Christ and account for our deeds on earth

Stand firm and you’ll be triumphant

Humble yourself

Hold no grudges against anyone and you will definitely rise above the evildoers

The Only God That Lives Forever

He is the solid rock that keeps us till today

For God so loved the world that He gave us his only begotten sin that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish but have everlasting life

He is the ONE that gives us the power to get wealth that he may establish His covenant

Serve the Lord and he will bless your bread and your water

He will take sickness away from you and fulfill the number of your days

He is calling on to you now

Develop an interest in Him

Get to know more about him and his promises

You’ll be glad you did

Live A Fulfilled Life

You need to have a daily ongoing relationship with God (Father, Son and Spirit) for you to know your purpose on Earth. Then, make use of your talents and potentials so as to live a Fulfilled Life.

A Relationship With God

Almost every one of us has fallen in love before and have been involved in a relationship. You know that for a relationship to work, you have to put in all you’ve got. And no matter how much you invested in a relationship with someone on earth, you will still end up being heartbroken and left alone despite all your input to make it work. So, if you could give all of you (your body, soul, spirit, trust & behavior) to a mere mortal, then how much more can you give to God who created everything that exists.

Build, Develop That Bond And Remain Faithful To Your Creator

Give all you have got to your flawless God for He never disappoints. His words are forever true. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall forever remain,” says The Lord God.

Follow These Steps To Get That Relationship

1) Get to know more about God. Be highly curious about Him and His ways.
2) Communicate with Him.
3) Connect to His divinity in the spiritual realm.
4) Be conscious of His presence.
5) Ask Him to manifest Himself more in everything that concerns you.
6) Meditate on His word day and night so you will be sure to follow His plan.
7) Strive to be declared righteous by Him.
8) Stay prepared and await Jesus’ glorious return.
9) Live to please the Sprit. Do not ignore Him. “For God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.”
10) Receive the Holy Spirit and let him be your Perfect Guide.

Ways By Which You Can Fulfill God's Plan For Your Life

We do not chase after things we have no desire to obtain. Our pursuit of anything is ample evidence of valid desire. But desire alone doesn’t bring success. We must map out our strategies.
Whatever journey we embark on, we must make sure we reach the destination.
God leads us in clear, concise ways and not by leaps. You can’t just jump into success. The rope that divides you and your future success is time. If you are going to get the dreams, ambitions and goals that have been conceived in you, you must follow these steps;-
1) Trust in God’s judgment. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God leads you and he will continuously lead you.
2) Listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him be at work in you. Work with Him and give Him permission to change you to what God wants you to be. The Holy Ghost worked in Jesus and taught Him all He knew during His ministry.
3) You have set skills. Skills that you’ve been blessed with can help benefit His kingdom. Use the resources He has given you according to His plan to do His will.
4) Get into a lifetime relationship (partnership) with the Trinity. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Pursue the Kingdom of Heaven. Seek to know more about God. Let Him show you His vision for your life. Stay in contact with and in Him. Pray to him. Read and study His word (The Bible). Put everything in His hands. Listen to Him and obey His rules.
5) Be intentional - Stay committed - IN LOVE. Be active in God’s plan while loving everyone you come in contact with. Obey the greatest commandment, “Thou shall love the Lord you God with all thy heart, mind, soul, and spirit; and thou shall also love thy neighbor as thyself.”
6) Answer when God calls. It might not be now. It can happen anytime. If God has placed a burden or subject of concern in your heart, obey and make that move. Inspire, reach out, serve and win souls for His kingdom. Your work is His work. Be like Peter and answer, “Because You say so, I will.” Be like Moses and answer, “Send me Lord. Anytime, anywhere. Send me.” Respond to His call. Your services to others are to Him.

Fufill Your Destiny

What is Destiny?
Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and become, in His divine will. God has already chosen a destined work, ministry, soul mate and future for each of us. This was the same for those in the bible. They were given great destinies but most of them ended up aborting His plan for their lives. Sure, they started out right and were moving in the way of the Lord, but in the end, they missed God’s destiny for their lives.
Let’s Look At an Example
During his youth, Saul was the most handsome among the men of Israel’ From his shoulders upwards, he was taller than any of the people. I am sure that many people had envied and disliked him because he was better off. From the time that you start noticing that some folks just seem to hate you for no reason at all or are never pleased with whatever you do; it is then you become sure that a great future lay ahead of you. You will have to face many oppositions, that’s a given.
Back to Saul…
When Samuel first laid his eyes on Saul, the Lord said, “Here is the man of whom I spoke to you! “It is he who shall rule over my people.”(1 Sam 9:17) The Lord was actually saying, “Take a good look, Samuel. This is the man I have ordained from heaven to lead Israel!”
Can you imagine that? The Creator of heaven and earth singled out a youth to rule or better still, reign over the nation of Israel. Why not someone older? What did he do to deserve such recognition? Nothing. The only thing that could have qualified him for such was humility and lowliness n the Spirit.
“And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and he prophesied and was turned into another man.”(1 Sam 10:10)    Can you beat that God wasn’t with him? Of course, God was always with him, putting him back on track.
The same goes to us. We have to put God first in our lives. When he uses us to do His will, we should be willing to obey him because he handpicked us out of the billions of youths in the world.
Saul was a man destined by God to lead Israel and God was with him. What more wonderful things could be said about him? At an early stage in life (maybe in his late twenties), he was already living a fulfilled life.
But, Saul disobeyed God and he began to fall apart. He had walked in his destiny for only a short period of time (approx. 2 years) -- yet God fully intended that Saul live out his days with the Lord’s blessings.
The Lord had desired that Saul be remembered as the man who delivered Israel from the bondage of the Philistines.
But Saul missed his destiny! He began to disintegrate, caving in to his need for human applause and acceptance. He made compromises to attain these things -- and he missed God’s plan for his life. God departed from him and answered him no more.
So you can now see for yourself that a person could be called to a great, divine purpose, walking in God’s blessing and anointing -- and then suddenly go off on a tangent, serving himself and ending up abandoned by God.
Saul died in shame -- forsaken by God.
These words might easily have been written on his tombstone; “The man who missed his destiny.”

My Biggest Dream

Create a life-changing, attractive and interactive social website

Who do I want to visit my future site?
The general public, but my site is built specifically for the youth and those who have the strength of mind and determination to pursue their goals and ensure that they excel in their various career choices.
What do I want my site to do?
It’s not about me, but about the youths in the world
It’s gonna be a place where youths can interact concerning their ambitions, careers and personal life
A place where youths give their views and thoughts about certain matters affecting the world
A place where youths highlight the steps they would take I in order to become persons of value
A place where youths give their preferences, considerations, reviews, advice or opinion regarding various technologies and innovations
A place where a youth would be helped to find the path to success and wealth
A place where a youngster’s mind would be renewed, evoking the drive and the urge to go out and grab more achievements
A place where a youth can receive insights in how they can develop their potentials and o all they can to convince sponsors that their money won’t go to waste
A place where youths will communicate the thoughts by which they can create, by themselves, the power to make a change in the world
A place where youths would be assisted in launching startups
A place where youths aged 12- 20 are gonna be encouraged that they are not incapable of making a change or fulfilling their dreams
A site in which teens and tweens share their secret deeds and personal experiences
The members or site users are helped to figure out where they wanna be (aspirations) and the path to follow
The site is gonna be full of youngsters/young adults who have youthful state of minds
It will give adolescents around the world a free flowing exchange of ideas, opinions, guidelines and referrals to potential customers
The youths are helped to make their very own hard-earned money as problem-solvers
They are helped to develop entrepreneurial and leadership abilities
Teens can buy products and services that can add value to their lives and help them achieve their goals.
There, we’ll have fun why being serious minded
Celebrities are gonna be interviewed and teens are gonna showcase their talents
The members can upload and sell their entertainment/info products from their diverse locations to a global audience
It’s all about teens, tweens and young adults.

Getting My Ideas Clear In My Head

 The Kind of Life I Am living Now

I would just say it is by the grace and favor of God that I and my family are able to make ends meet.
I stay with my mum and my four siblings. My dad has been residing in another state, still in Nigeria, for over two years in search of greener pastures.
Most people seem to wonder how it is that my mum and feeds and cares for five kids single-handedly. My parents aren’t divorced and so my dad sends us money from time to time for our upkeep.
Hmm! Almost everyone around us look at us as if we are nothing. They look at our present situation and not what we would become in the future. Little do they know that it is God that sustains us.
We sometimes have to face embarrassments and insults. We also go through many challenges which could easily be solved if we had enough money.
I feel useless and worthless whenever it is that we run short of food, money, water and many other items.
My dad hasn’t found greener pastures yet and my mum has to spend most of her time with us as she devoted, dedicated and sacrificed herself to bringing us up the way she wants us to be brought up.
There are so many expenses that we require funds to settle. I have come to the conclusion that I should be able to assist my beloved mother in catering for us.
Thank God I stumbled upon blog articles that made me realize the usefulness and powerful potentials of the internet. I have been reading and studying every aspect of it ever since, ranging from blogging to freelancing to web coding to making money online.
Now, I know I have found what I have been looking for. A really easy way for me to help out while working within the comfort of our home. Chris Grosser once said, “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” I believe the hour is come for me to create the opportunities I need for taking my family and my country, Nigeria, into the Promised Land.
I will continue to learn and implement all I’ve learnt. It is true that knowledge is not power, ‘the application of knowledge is power’.

 The life I Want

I wanna be able to afford the basic necessities of life. I want to also acquire secondary needs like cars, gadgets, duplexes and many others. I wat to be able to travel across the world to any country my heart so desires.
I wanna get my university education in either Harvard or Stanford University.
I wanna be connected to the big names in the world. I want to wine and dine with great people. I want to be a rich, powerful and great lady.
I wanna win souls for Christ because it is only in Christ Jesus that we can find all the wealth and fulfillment that we want.
I waana make life comfortable for my family and bring my mum out of the suffering and pain she endures for our sake.
I wanna make sure my younger ones, as I am the firstborn, become successful people in life. I want to watch them grow in peace and success, giving them all the courage and support they need.
I want to help inspire and mentor the youths in the world, especially in Nigeria. I want all the youths aged 10 to 30 to start working towards making their dreams come true.
I want Nigeria to be a place where everything flows smoothly and where the masses are brought out of abject poverty. And this can only be possible if each person in each family stands up to make life comfortable for their family.
This is what I call standing out as a leader. Being a leader means doing all you can (legally) to make your followers’ lives comfortable and stress-free so hat they too can learn from you and walks in your footsteps.
This is where entrepreneurship steps in. An entrepreneur is basically someone who conceives an idea and then starts up a business thereby creating value and earning profits from that endeavor.
As I believe within me, “It will take technology and innovation to move Nigeria upwards.” But, mind you, the practice and application of technology and innovation lies in the hands of leaders, entrepreneurs, starters and risk-takers. There is just a major focus on the youths (male and female).
I want to help expose and enlighten Nigerian youths to look deeper within themselves and then take a concentrated look at the society at large and then discover what potentials they have which will benefit all mankind.
So permit me to say, I want Nigeria to become a developed nation in no time with citizens who have renewed mindsets.
One more. My Most Important purpose on Earth:- To make sure I make heaven when Jesus returns and take as many people as I can with me to stay in the eternal(never-ending) life which is found and only given by the world’s Savior, who died to set us free, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God.

 A Life Story of Someone I Heard About

I read a tweet sometime ago which says, “Man, kills wife and daughter in Abuja (The federal Capital Territory of Nigeria), says ‘I can only feed myself’.”
You see that the situation in Nigeria is terribly bad as people can no longer afford to eat and feed their family.
But, even at that, taking the lives of your liabilities shouldn’t be considered by any individual.
The only solution is to put on your working clothes, shoes and caps, know what you can do best, get out there and make some legal money.
No matter how tough and difficult it may be, keep pushing on and keep praying to God to let you find favor in the sight of everyone you come in contact with.

Get All Your Ideas Clear In Your Head

To do that, take your time to write your thoughts on the following;
 The Kind Of Life You Are Living Now
 The Life You Want
 A Detailed Personal Experience Of Yours
 A True Life Story Of Someone You Know Or Heard About
 What Do You Intend to go into or Practice So You’ll Be Sure to Get That Life?
 Your Dreams(Big - and- Small)
 How Are Things Like In Your City, State and Country?
 Do You Represent Your Country (Your fatherland), anytime and anywhere?
 Your 7 Fears, 7 Problems and 7 Passions?
 A Short Bio of Yourself
Flesh them out on paper, smart phone or your computer using writing software. You could decide to pick just a few to write on and when you are through, mail it to me for editing (spelling and grammar) and then publishing on FOCUSING ON GETTING THE LIFE I WANT.
Let me know if you want to be made anonymous (no display of your name and location) or not.
The whole point of this is using your own experiences and challenges to inspire and give hope to others who are going through the same things you faced or are currently facing.
Whatever all of us may be going through now does not stop us from achieving great feats in life. What matters most is our inner mind, our soul, our spirit (the Holy Spirit of God) and what we believe in./p>
The bible tells us that in this journey of life, we should “count it all joy when we face trials and troubles”.
We all are journeying on the road to wealth, success and fulfillment.
Join the train. Help uplift people using your experiences and positive attitude. Showing that you have not been cast down by the ugly experiences you have gone through really goes a long way in providing reassurance to all who reads it.
So send it to suzanspod@gmail.com and tell everyone you know to go on to read what you have to say and to also compose theirs too.
Always remember, “Tough people last, tough situations don’t”.

Some Of My Favorite Quotes From The Bible

As thou lovest thy life get wisdom, discernment at thy side and thou shall speed well.
Lack learning and all is not well within, ever.
Of life and death, the tongue holds the keys. Use it lovingly and it will requite thee.
Worse days come when servants (us) sway away from their masters (the trinity).
Patience is wisdom’s livery (a special uniform worn by servants of officials)
There is no such boast as a wrong overlooked.
Of the King’s frown beware, as of lion roaring. Welcome as dew on grass is his smile.
House and hoard large amounts of food, money, valuable things which are kept in large expanse) a man may inherit; it is the Lord’s gift only, if he has a wife that minds her ways.
Great hurt it is to be a fool’s father.
Sloth (the bad habit of being lazy & unwilling to work) brings the sleep that has no awaking.
Idle hands, empty belly.
Law observed is life preserved; the careless step leads the way to death.
Befriend the poor, & lend to the Lord (lend to those in need and don’t expect or pressure them to repay you),; the Lord will repay faithfully.
Chasten (make somebody feel sorry for what he has done) thy son still, don’t despair (lose hope of his amendment); still let the death of him be far from thy thoughts.
Thought jostles’ thought in man’s heart (to push roughly against somebody or something); the Lord’s will stands firm.(Even though God’s words & unheeding thoughts battle in a man’s heart; God’s will shall stand firm).
Give heed to counsel, accept correction, & thou shall be wise at last.
He injures himself that is ungovernable in rage; every advantage he seizes does but injures him the more.
Poverty is the school of piety (having strong & deep respect for God & religion); better need than knavery(being dishonest). Fear of the Lord leads on to life, life where all is contentment & no ill may come.
With folded hands the sluggard sits by, & never puts hand to mouth.
Never weary, my son, of giving heed to warnings; never let the counsels of experience pass thee by.
Beware of the King’s power, as of lion’s roaring; challenge it & thy life is forfeit.
Prudent counsel is a well buried deep in a man’s heart; but the wise know how to draw from it.
Many there are those passes for kindly souls, but a faithful friend is hard to come by.
An upright man that goes armed with honest intent leaves a blessing to his children.
One balance for getting & one for giving, the Lord will not endure.
The ears that listens, the watchful eye, are both of the Lord’s fashioning.
Love not thy sleep, or poverty will overtake thee unawares; the open eye means a full belly.
Gold thou mayest have in abundance, & jewels a many, but the finest ware of all is wise speech.
Trust people by using your knowledge wisely.
Counsel is the sure buttress of determination.
Wait the Lord’s hour & redress shall be thine.
Every step man takes is of the Lord’s choosing, & so don’t plot out your path because God will.
Man’s spirit is a lamp that God gives to search out the hidden corners of his being.
Mercy shown & justice done win the Lord’s favor beyond any sacrifice.
Who shuts his ear to the poor man’s plea, himself one day shall plead in vain.
Appease thy enemy with an open hand.
If you stray from the path thou were taught, thou shall lodge with the dead.
Of greed, comes want.
Guard lips and tongue as thou would guard thy life from peril.
Honest living be thy quest & kindly deeds, life shall be thine, & blessings, & honor.
The upright scans well his path.
Obey the commandment, & thy pleadings shall triumph.
Wisdom is none, prudence is none, and counsel is none that can be marched with the Lord’s will; well armed thy horse may be on the eve of battle, but the Lord sends victory.
Precious beyond all treasure is good repute; not gold or silver is so worth the winning, as to be loved.
Rich & poor are both God’s creatures.
When ill times come, prudence is on its guard, & takes refuge; the unwary march on, & pay the penalty.
Humility brings fear of the Lord, & therewith riches, honor & long life.
Stake & caltrop beset the path of the wicked; as thou lovest life, keep thy distance.
Keep the course you have begun with, & when you grow old, don’t leave it.
Rich rules poor; debtor must wait on the creditor.
For every loaf of bread given to the hungry, blessed shall be the reward of kindly hearts.
When you banish the reckless spirit in you, strive goes out with him; thou art rid of quarreling and of disgrace.
Love purity of heart, & thou shalt find such gracious words as shall win thee a King’s friendship.
True knowledge has the Lord’s smile for its protection.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Reaching Unto A Future Of Untold Wealth and Irresistible Power

I wanna have a future in which I'll have more money than I could ever have dreamed of. I want to get it all clear in my head, thus simplifying the plan. And so. I have come up with this article.
If you are between the ages of 10 to 30, you need to read this and understand every single word of it.
I have broken it all up into six sections, or chapters, for easy understanding. Being rich is no tough thing. The only thing that separates you from money and power is time. With time, you'll have it all.
Written straight from my heart. Could be classified as creative non-fiction.
Be inspired and motivated to achieve more as you go on to read this


Will is the ultimate desire to achieve. It is the resolve to do whatever which is requisite in the process of attaining heights.
Without having the will to succeed, there’s no driving force to get to success. You can have determination to go the extra mile and the fortitude to carry out the necessary actions, but if the will isn’t behind you giving you those propelling pushes for a specific goal, the rest is futile.
Without this will, you will not be able to sacrifice the time, effort and cost necessary for developing the required skills in your career choice.
A motivating factor when it comes to having the will to success is having a highly plausible reason “why” you want to succeed. You have to be certain of the crux which can’t afford you to be a failure.
You have to decide why it is important. It could be money, working from home, and all the nice things you desire in life. It could also be the quest to impact and bring positive value into people’s lives. Whatever the reason, that’s the drive behind your will.
To succeed, one needs to have the vision to see their success and then the tenacity to never give up no matter what obstacles they face.
“The first step towards success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Caine.
Success is largely determined by the strength of will or resolution a person has to succeed. It is shaped by the inflexibility to do everything it takes for as long as it takes to achieve success.

The Will To Prepare Is As Important As The Will To Prevail

When it comes to the surfacing matter of prosperity, there’s a lot more to it than desire. Success largely comes down to putting in time and effort so that when an opportunity arises, you are ready to give it your best.
Through a lot of beforehand hard work and practice, you will be able to find success in your career as soon as the bell has been rung. The work starts a long time before the whistle sounds.
There’s more to success than wanting it, and it goes far beyond having a good strategy. Always be geared up for whatever might come your way and you’ll be ready no matter what when game time is. If you want to reach triumph, focus on developing the desire for preparation. Just don’t let the groundwork overtake you completely.
All the laurels surrounding every line of business tend to fall around tactical decisions and executions thereafter, but the real victory starts much sooner. It begins with possessing the will to prepare.
Here are ways by which you can congregate or assemble your will and get prepared for what’s to come:
1) Being inquisitive and eager to learn: - This is a skill that cannot be over-emphasized. It is simply the thirst for knowledge.
Knowledge and ideas are now the main source of economic growth (more important than land, labour, money, or other ‘tangible’ resources). Knowledge is to be defined, valued, and acquired –not for what it is –but for what it can do.
Look at things, people, objects, situations, challenges really closely and carefully. Learn everything, if possible. Learn @ schools, internet [Every close means].
2) Be innovative: - Whatever you think of is your creation. Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter the setbacks you experience in your life. Your skill, single-mindedness and unflagging energy should be worked upon gradually. For the fact that you thought of something, that something should come to pass. Be realistic of your result.
3) Be proactive and ethical: - If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. Likewise, if you don’t try something different, you will never get something different. Excellence is not achieved without diligence and sacrifice. Proactively prepare by anticipating the possibilities and work consistently to better yourself as an individual.
4) Grow your intelligence in your field of interest: - If you do not grow in a thing, you really cannot have the command of it. Your preparation and stamina would be put to test and your success afterwards, is a proof of your level of preparation and the willpower to take your per-perceived chances.
5) Beware of your social circle: - be cautious of the people you socialize with. Those who empower you should be greatly valued and those who belittle you should be shunned. Influences take an immense toll on your strength of mind.
If you want to develop the will to win, ensure that you invest in winning now by developing the will to prepare before the game begins.
The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them: a man may live long yet get little from life. Whether you find satisfaction in life depends not on your tale of years, but on your will.
Be imbued with the will to succeed. 


Your time is precious and must be planned with exactitude and used to the fullest. Find time to think about your life and write it down. You need to be able to work out for yourself what to do.
Life owes you nothing but an opportunity to study, work, grow, and sacrifice to get to where you want to be. This moment is your life so make the most out of it.
You can’t get everything you want in a day, you have to go step by step. In life, you have to keep trying, keep practicing and keep filling your glass. The prospect of changing something should inspire you.
Develop the spirit of adventure. Try more than a dozen attempts. Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached. Properly pursuit and determination gets you there.
Do not be afraid to start. Fear kills dreams and aspirations. Fear holds you down. There is nothing more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Fear is a choice. There’s nothing to fear, but fear itself. Be secure in the knowledge that you would succeed. You have no alternative. You cannot afford to fail.
Life can be very unpredictable and melodramatic. We all, at a point in our lives, get faced with ordeals which are capable of distracting us from our true course. We, therefore, have to try not to give in to self-pity. It can wear us down and weaken our efforts.
Hope is not a plan so it’s therefore advisable to translate your ambitions and dreams into a life plan.

Planning for your future

Planning for your future is a continuous exercise. Planning, in relation to your choices and preferences, would be shaped by the impact of the world and your experiences.
So it’s very important for you to plan while considering these factors: -
1) Education: - Have you learnt a lot of things and are you willing to learn how to do many more things?
2) Lifestyle: - In the future, do you want to live a life of mere survival or a life in which you’ll survive in style and with wealth?
3) Job: - Do you want to be self-employed or have a lifetime job with a guaranteed retirement plan at sixty-five?
4) Residence: - Do you want to reside in a city where opportunities abound or you’re on your permanent settling ground?
5) Level of exposure: - Are you familiar with other cultures or ready to mix with people from other backgrounds?
6) Recognition: - Do you want to be recognized as a young and innovative fellow impacting the world or as one who is propelling the company you’re in to greater heights?
7) Risk: - Are you willing to risk it all in order to get to where you want to be or you’re okay with settling for less?
8) Hobby: - Are there things you love doing or feel that you can do which many people are earning a lot from?
9) Dreams:- Can you enlarge your vision in life and reach for big things?

The purpose of planning for your future is to help you: -

1) Think thoroughly about what you want and ensure that you’ve considered all your options.
2) Convince willing sponsors that you’re very certain of what you intend to do with your life.
3) Refrain from strolling along the wrong path.
4) Operate in your chosen career diligently.
5) Furnish a standard against which to judge future decisions and results.
6) Get busy working towards the goals you’ve set for yourself.
7) Be reminded of your dreams during tough times.
Tips To Use When Drafting A Life Plan
1) Plan and outline your career according to your dreams, thoughts, desires, and innovative outlook.
2) Go from the big picture view to the fine detail view.
3) Put in concise order what you want to achieve in life and how you will achieve it.
4) What endeavors you want to go into and ways by which you will put them into practice.
5) How you will learn and acquire the skills and professional knowledge needed in your line of business.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they’ve planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn.
“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.”
“Great feats are achieved by a series of small efforts that pay off.”
“Do the very best you know how, the very best way you can, and keep on doing so till the end”


Financially responsible and successful people don’t build their wealth by accident - or overnight. Becoming rich takes serious willpower, and long-term vision.
You have to be able to keep your eye on the prize of financial freedom, be willing to sacrifice your present wants for the sake of your future and develop good habits to win.
You have to decide that you don’t want a safe and secure paycheck. You have to come to the conclusion that just safety and security is not worth it. You have to long for financial freedom.
The very reason we experience financial inadequacy is poor financial habits such as spending money and free time on liabilities – not assets.
Many of us, unfortunately, find ourselves in bad situations in which we’ll need certain amounts of money to leave. Let’s take a critical look, a few thousands of naira or dollars is a bandage. While it will get you out of such situations (e.g. incurred debt, due rent, etc.), it won’t necessarily prevent the next one or put you in a position where you’ll never have to be in one again.
It’s important to be financially free enough to escape the horrible situations we sometimes find ourselves in.
But, a mindset of such caliber is damaging in the sense that it is entirely focused on escaping from rather than moving towards. It doesn’t highlight the panorama of being wealthy.
A more sustainable solution is to build a plan for your future that involves complete financial independence.
This is a step beyond the escape hatch. It allows you to build a future where you’ll never need to tap into savings with the intent of leaving an embarrassing circumstance.

How Do You Erect Your Future Financial Fortress?

• It starts with financial education.
What is financial education? Financial education simply, is a kind of teaching, training and learning connected with money and finance. It gives us an amazing facility to wisely determine financially viable and favorable schemes.
Financial education leaves an indelible imprint on the way we approach monetary affairs. Generally, being financially educated edifies us in the enigmatic journey to success.
There are so many financially ignorant individuals out there who have the potential to build their fortress. This is why the usefulness of this principal necessity cannot be under-estimated.

Sources by which you can be financially educated:-

1) Print media, e.g. books, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.
2) Electronic media, e.g. eBooks, blogs, websites, web shows, webinars, etc.
3) Mass media, e.g. TV shows, radio, interviews, economic and finance broadcasts, etc.
4) One-on-one enlightening, e.g. coaching, mentoring, consulting, etc.
5) Educational centers (public and private), e.g. seminars, conferences, schools/institutions, etc.
From The Sources Above You Will Learn: -
1) How to start and run your own business (online business or otherwise) full-time or on the side.
2) How money works.
3) How to invest in assets that provide cash flow.
4) How to reduce extravagant and unnecessary spending
5) Insights into how you can use your intelligence to make sound financial decisions.
And it ends with the application of your acquired financial education and financial intelligence.
It is a requisite to put money aside, not just to save but instead to invest. Such skills and actions will serve
you much better than a few thousands in your savings account.
Focus on what you know, pay a fair price and invest for the long term.
Choose investment ideas that are easy to understand and straightforward.
Keep your money divided between different types of securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, international, cash and real estate so that changes in one market won’t ripple your entire net worth.
Invest in startups as a venture capitalist.
Let your money compound uninterrupted for a very long time. Let your money work for you. With only small amounts, time can turn even the smallest sums into princely treasures.
Any man or woman may become wealthy if he or she begins right.
It will not do for anyone to sit down and wait for the coming of wealth and fortune.
Any fool can make money but it takes a wise man to keep it.
The first step to acquiring a fortune lies in hard work. Secondly, always save some portion of your wages and
lastly, be on alert for investment.
So take control of your finances today, and start erecting your future financial fortress in which you would be completely free.


Business, as a trade, is the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money.
Come to think of it, why is every one of us engaged in one form of business or the other? We work so as to be able to make ends meet. We work in order to earn income which, in turn, is used in sustaining ourselves and providing/catering for our numerous needs.
Do any of us think we can survive without money? No, I don’t think so. Without being too sentimental, it is a realistic fact that we need money to remain alive on this earth. Money is what keeps us going in life. Money allows us to acquire all of these;
i) Good food
ii) Appropriate clothing
iii) A befitting place of abode
iv) The best of quality education
v) Respect and dignity amongst friends, family and neighbours
vi) Sound health
vii) Any electronic and computerized gadget or device of your choice
viii) A comfortable and stress-free life
Yes, we all desire (and want) riches and fortune-filled lives. Both comfort and enjoyment only comes after directed hard work and tireless hustle.
Why should our hard work be directed and to where? Your hard work needs to be directed to where it really needs to be. You can’t just place your work in anything that goes by. You have to check the viability of an idea before you put your money, energy and time into it. If you see your hard work as a tool which will make you successful, then you’ll have to wisely direct it to the right place and at the right time for it to lead you to that foreseen success.
Those (excluding children) whose job is none other than to eat and to sleep are old people. Why? because their bones are weak. That’s a major reason why we should start our hustle and be found at the battle front now before we grow old. For as a man ages, so does his body and overall strength/might.
The endeavor which places you on the path to wealth is what I call a debut career. Everyone has to start from somewhere. Success takes time and lots of patience. You have to try your hand on something first.
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream about it, live on that one idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that one idea; and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” – Swami Vivekananda.
This debut career/endeavor may not even be related with what you studied or intend to study when getting a higher education. There are lots of lucrative self-reliant endeavors, a few of which are: -
a) Blogging
b) Freelancing
c) Animating
d) Digital product creation
e) Applications developer(web or mobile)
f) Affiliate marketing
g) Graphic Design
All you need in order to stand well on your feet is to master and understand the basics, stipulations, and various procedures which are used in such endeavor. It does not require a great genius to make money.

The two skills needed in every business venture for it to thrive and be a source of income for the owner.

These are: -
a) Creativity
b) Marketability
a) Creativity: - This involves having the skill and ability to produce something new. It could also be the thinking of new ideas or ways by which problems can be solved.
Your creativity has to have structure. You have to be certain about how you’ll build up your content. You have to know what you can do and what you are to do before you explore against the norm and do your thing differently.
Never aim for little. Know that when you’re in, your output should be of importance in the industry for your recognition and total mass appeal. You must be willing to add value to what you do in order to become a strong brand.
You should produce or offer services which are capable of being sold. They have to be packaged and well-contained so as to make them attractive, appealing and have the desired effect on the public.
Much emphasis needs not to be laid on the fact that you need to offer services and produce goods that would benefit your prospective consumers.
b) Marketability: - It’s not just enough to be creative. You have to be able to market your goods and services, so that they can reach potential customers and be acceptable in the industry they’re moving into.
You need to create awareness about your creation or targeted service in order to earn a living from it.
You have to develop the ability to connect with a large network of people, bringing the work you’ve created to a larger public.
Improve your interest in marketing and sales.
Strategize on how you will market your product or service. Why? How your product or service meets the basic need of the consumers you hope to sell it to will be crucial in how well it’s received in the market.
Whenever you visit successful business enterprises, shops, supermarkets or online storefronts, be wise and sure enough to take mental notes of displays and the type of merchandise on sale .e.g. the array and presentation of merchandise, the demeanor and style of shoppers, cash registers, structure, architecture and decoration of the buildings or website, etc.
Let the world carry your work. Make and let your brand sell big for you.
Have fun in what you are doing and you will succeed.
You must have a steady head, one that can weather the rough sea of reverses, from which no life is altogether free, and one that will not become too big when success attends his efforts.
Success in your chosen career or endeavor gives you the assurance that you’re treading along the path which you’ve designed for yourself.
“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what one’s destiny is to do and then do it.” -- Henry Ford.


True financial independence means: -
a) Understanding how money and investing work.
b) Building a portfolio of assets that create constant cash flow.
Financial freedom comes from earning passive income from investments, businesses and other residual income streams. Unlike an employee, you don’t need to show up to work in order to get paid.
For instance, can you quit your job today, never work again and live comfortably from the income that you earn passively? If you can, you’re financially free. If you can’t, you’re not.
It would feel great not just to earn passive income each month but to earn it daily. Wouldn’t all our lives be splendid if we receive cash in our bank accounts on literally every day of the month, except weekends, from at least one of our income streams?
Wealth comes from creating more income, not necessarily reducing costs. So we don’t need to live like paupers today because of the wealth we’re accumulating for tomorrow.
Ability to create wealth comes from the following;
• Building businesses
• Making good investments
• Connecting with the right people

What is an income stream?

An income stream just refers to any source of regular financial income in your life. E.g. your job, pension, and rent from an apartment building you own.

What, then, is a passive income stream?

A passive income stream is one where, once you’ve done the initial investment there’s little or no upkeep to that investment required to maintain that income stream.
Writing a book is a passive income stream, for example – once that book is complete and on its way to the publisher, you just sit back and wait for the proceeds.
However, most passive income streams require some sort of significant investment up front. Generally, that investment breaks down into two distinct groups: -
1) An investment of time.
2) An investment of money.
1) An investment of time: - Most time investments usually pairs with an investment of ideas and energy as well. Collectively, you’re gradually turning leisure time into some sort of item that will provide a steady stream of income over time.
The passive income streams you create here are bought through sweat(e.g. eBook, online course, app).
2) An investment of money: - This includes putting money into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit. True investing doesn’t just happen without some action on your part. A “real” investor does not simply throw his or her money at any random investment; he or she performs thorough analysis and commits capital only when there is a reasonable expectation of profit.
Below are some examples of up-front time and money investments: -
a) Books(electronic or hard copy)
b) Real estate
c) Fine arts
d) Motion pictures
e) Music
f) Fashion designing
g) Affiliate blogs
h) Online course
i) Application Software
j) Mobile app
k) YouTube channel
l) Investment Portfolio
m) Franchised business system, etc.
“Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy.”
“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” -- Chris Grosser.
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”-- Eleanor Roosevelt.


Power is the ability to do something. Freedom is the state of being able to do what you want, without anything stopping you.
Having the true power and freedom you seek is highly important, but that is on the condition that it will benefit those who are poor and needy.
Money can only be measured in terms of money. One speaks of the “richest” men, not the “best” rich men or the “greatest” rich men. That’s why it’s just not enough to be rich for the sake of yourself and your family but also for the people who are striving to make ends meet.
It’s not about accumulating wealth for yourself. When you die, your wealth won’t be buried with you.
You toiled hard to earn your money, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t assist people with it.
The essence of having riches is to use your money to help others achieve their goals.
“Wealth” is a word that has been used historically to mean more than the amassment of material wealth.
Do not choose your profession with the sole purpose of amassing material wealth.
The hard truth is that if material wealth is all, and then losing it truly means losing all.
I am not saying that we should not strive toward material gain. It is a true fact that “the laborer is worth of his hire.” There is nothing wrong with being materially enriched by a skill that brings so much into the lives of others.
While we’re happy to earn the coin, we’re in this for a great deal more. Those who are simply “rich” make a splash in the here-and-now, but are quickly forgotten in the pages of history. Those who enrich are remembered, often for centuries – even if they lived as paupers.
The world needs more productive and innovative leaders, so be one when you have the power to do so.
Do it for your pride, your country and for all humanity. Go through the extra mile in order to be successful in life.
Do it because you have to use your acquired power to impact and empower others.
A life not lived for others is a life not lived at all. Use your wealth to inspire and lead others to a point where they wouldn’t need to depend on others for the rest of their lives.
You will always encounter challenges and tough times in anything you embark on. Yet it is at such times that you need to remember why you started down this road in the first place: Because you were far more interested in sharing the wealth of the rainbow than in hoarding the pot of gold.
Every time you write, invent, innovate, and devise something that helps someone learn, grow, heal, change, or simply smile, you’ve made someone’s life richer.
Make sure you reach out and offer a helping hand, especially to the young at heart so that they also can be agents of change.
Invest in startups and businesses, encourage and give your support to problem-solvers.
Lead the way; hence others will follow in your footsteps.
Influence, inspire, be a role model.
There’s money and there’s wealth – and as an entrepreneur, strive towards storing up treasure that moth and rust cannot destroy.
“The ones, who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” – Bill Gates.
“Be inspired, so that you can inspire others.”
“Success is … knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that will benefit others.” – John C. Maxwell.

Reaching Unto A Future of Untold Wealth And Irresistible Power is written specifically for the young and youthful-minded.

This creative non-fiction literature is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs. It engages your mind and gears you to work towards your money source idea. Your ability to locate the idea, analyze that it is indeed an opportunity and then pursue with all vigor leaving nothing to chance (or assumption) is very important to business success. The most important thing is the mindset and the determination to pursue the process.
Key Note: - You don’t need to know a lot before you embark on your journey to success. The key is to be willing to grow in the knowledge needed as you progress. A successful person should be growing in knowledge continually. A successful person ought to be reading books and articles. They should be listening to podcasts, interviews, attending seminars and seeking advice from those who are ahead of them.
Nothing going into your mind means nothing coming out.
As entrepreneurs, bosses, leaders and managers, we must realize that everything we think actually matters. If we are seeking success, we must think successful, inspiring and motivating thoughts.
Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” -- Robert Collier.
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with bricks others have thrown at him.”
See You All At The Top!!
Thanks for reading to this end. I'm sure you must have gained lots of insight and your mind has been geared towards reaching unto a future f untold wealth and irresistible power.
Be sure to keep on coming unto my blog, Focusing On Getting The Life I Want, for more information that are capable of renewing your thinking.
God bless you. Love you all.
By Suzan Spod.
Like my Facebook page
Follow me on twitter @SpodSuzan
Email me

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

We Must Participate

Take a close look at the innovative initiatives in the cyber world
Everything is being changed by the young and innovative at a pace unknown in human history
It takes technology and innovation to move a country forward
As youths, let us become agents of positive
We need to develop ourselves and figure out what we have to offer in this world
Let us brainstorm viable ideas and put our hearts and hands to work
We mustn't sit down and do nothing
We have to learn from others and create our very own success stories

I'm Gonna Be The First Female Nigerian President

My people are suffering
They are hungry and are in desperate need
People engage in all sorts of jobs in order to survive
Our government don't seem to be making any tangible effort to make sure we come out of this crisis
Presently, Nigeria has no hope for we youths
Where does our future lay?
Is it in this nation where the hardship is overwhelming
Those who can't afford to feed are not able to make use of their productive energy
Lord God, help us and make our fatherland better for all and sundry
I want to make things right
I want to be used by God to make our blessed nation a great place for us to live in
My vision is clear
All of us need to have a sense of belonging
We the masses need to be carried along and our knowledge needs to be repected
The solution is to mobilize every one, because at this point we need all hands on deck
Nigeria needs a straightforward direction from the leaders
I want to come in and provide that direction

A Call To All The Teens, Tweens and Young Adults

Our tomorrow starts now
The only way to predict the futue is by creating it
We can color our lives and the world the way we want  it
We waste our time chasing after transient things
We have to stand up to become leaders
The whole world goes astray
As Christians and as believers, we have the power to do things which will benefit all mankind
The earth needs to be changed
We do not have to wait for permission
'cos we're already permitted.
You know what your natural abilities & talents are
develop them and start making the most out of what you have
The platform for effecting this social, economical & political change?
We have countless ways by which we can contribute in making this world a lot better.
Seek them out
Technology and innovation has made this process alot easier
Hurry up! Start now!


Old and young
Male and female
Most just seem to hate me
They accuse me wrongly and say false things about me
They try to make me feel worthless
They make me fall and stumble
They cause me trouble and do not approve of me
But I won't let them get to me
What they fail to see, I see it
My God-given potentials are greater than theirs
I am better and richer than they are
I am working towards being the best
I don't need their approval
Because I + God = majority
They may rule now but very soon I will be THE BOSS
The Creator is my Co-partner
We're all nothing but pencils in the hand of the one and only God
So why would I be afraid of a pencil who is just like me?
I fear none but God

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Creativity And Marketability In Your Chosen Career

Business, as a trade, is the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money. Come to think of it, why is every one of us engaged in one form of business or the other? We work so as to be able to make ends meet. We work in order to earn income which, in turn, is used in sustaining ourselves and providing/catering for our numerous needs.
Do any of us think we can survive without money? No, I don’t think so. Without being too sentimental, it is a realistic fact that we need money to remain alive on this earth. Money is what keeps us going in life.
Money allows us to acquire all of these;
i) Good food
ii) Appropriate clothing
iii) A befitting place of abode
iv) The best of quality education
v) Respect and dignity amongst friends, family and neighbours
vi) Sound health
vii) Any electronic and computerized gadget or device of your choice
viii) A comfortable and stress-free life

Yes, we all desire (and want) riches and fortune-filled lives. Both comfort and enjoyment only comes after directed hard work and tireless hustle.
Why should our hard work be directed and to where? Your hard work needs to be directed to where it really needs to be. You can’t just place your work in anything that goes by. You have to check the viability of an idea before you put your money, energy and time into it. If you see your hard work as a tool which will make you successful, then you’ll have to wisely direct it to the right place and at the right time for it to lead you to that foreseen success.
Those (excluding children) whose job is none other than to eat and to sleep are old people. Why? because their bones are weak. That’s a major reason why we should start our hustle and be found at the battle front now before we grow old. For as a man ages, so does his body and overall strength/might.
The endeavor which places you on the path to wealth is what I call a debut career. Everyone has to start from somewhere. Success takes time and lots of patience. You have to try your hand on something first.
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream about it, live on that one idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that one idea; and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” – Swami Vivekananda.
This debut career/endeavor may not even be related with what you studied or intend to study when getting a higher education.
There are lots of lucrative self-reliant endeavors, a few of which are: -
a) Blogging
b) Freelancing
c) Animating
d) Digital product creation
e) Applications developer(web or mobile)
f) Affiliate marketing
g) Graphic Design

All you need in order to stand well on your feet is to master and understand the basics, stipulations, and various procedures which are used in such endeavor. It does not require a great genius to make money.

The two skills needed in every business venture for it to thrive and be a source of income for the owner.

These are: -
a) Creativity
b) Marketability
a) Creativity: - This involves having the skill and ability to produce something new. It could also be the thinking of new ideas or ways by which problems can be solved.
Your creativity has to have structure. You have to be certain about how you’ll build up your content. You have to know what you can do and what you are to do before you explore against the norm and do your thing differently.
Never aim for little. Know that when you’re in, your output should be of importance in the industry for your recognition and total mass appeal. You must be willing to add value to what you do in order to become a strong brand.
You should produce or offer services which are capable of being sold. They have to be packaged and well-contained so as to make them attractive, appealing and have the desired effect on the public.
Much emphasis needs not to be laid on the fact that you need to offer services and produce goods that would benefit your prospective consumers.
b) Marketability: - It’s not just enough to be creative. You have to be able to market your goods and services, so that they can reach potential customers and be acceptable in the industry they’re moving into.
You need to create awareness about your creation or targeted service in order to earn a living from it. You have to develop the ability to connect with a large network of people, bringing the work you’ve created to a larger public.
Improve your interest in marketing and sales.
Create a strategy on how you will market your product or service. Why? How your product or service meets the basic need of the consumers you hope to sell it to will be crucial in how well it’s received in the market.
Whenever you visit successful business enterprises, shops, supermarkets or online storefronts, be wise and sure enough to take mental notes of displays and the type of merchandise on sale .e.g. the array and presentation of merchandise, the demeanor and style of shoppers, cash registers, structure, architecture and decoration of the buildings or website, etc.

My Conclusion

Let the world carry your work. Make and let your brand sell big for you. Have fun in what you are doing and you will succeed. You must have a steady head, one that can weather the rough sea of reverses, from which no life is altogether free, and one that will not become too big when success attends his efforts. Success in your chosen career or endeavor gives you the assurance that you’re treading along the path which you’ve designed for yourself.
“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what one’s destiny is to do and then do it.” -- Henry Ford.

Written By Suzan Spod.

This article is an excerpt of my short eBook.
I would like to know what you think, please comment below.
Friday, 30 September 2016

I'm In Urgent Need

I need to subscribe to a data bundle with my ISP(Internet Service Provider)

Require a safe and secure account with an online payment system

I want to have my own payoneer card

Need to pay for web hosting

Need to sign up for premium upgrades on my laptop

Download a few applications

Need to contribute in changing the world

Need to inspire and help numerous youths become entrepreneurs

Need to be like Moses and take my people (Nigerians) away from suffering and poverty

I’m in Urgent need

Time waits for no one

I need to pass my messages on to this generation and the next

Children and youths are the future leaders of tomorrow

I need to effect that change now

I have found the need I want to fill in this life

I know how to go about it

The time is now

Pause! Just one clause

Financial Assistance

Nigeria Now

A country where all was cheap
A nation where the masses could afford the basic necessities of life Is now a place where the prices of every existing commodity has inflated
The exchange rate from dollar to naira has tripled Petrol per liter price has increased
Food items have become very costly
Most of the things we consume her are imported or made from imported raw materials
Shelter, clothing, electronics, books, services, taxes now require exorbitant pay
Parents/guardians struggle to provide for their children
Kids are being withdrawn from private schools
Everyone strives to get by every day Social vices have become rampant
Companies are cutting down the number of staffs they have as a result of insufficient funds
No jobs for graduates
They say our economy is recessed
Things are not getting better
The situation worsens by the day
People are suffering
The masses are crying and pleading
We need an immediate and effective solution

Be Independent On Man And Dependent On God

We are in a wicked world

Where our enemies disguise as our friends

So they can pull us down when we least expect it

Most people we cal our friends hinder us from reaching for greater things

They do not want us to succeed

The battle is not over our past, but over our future

Brethren, the only place where we can seek refuge is in OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST

He died so as to give us eternal life

Accept him into your life and you’ll be amazed at how much wonders he can perform

He will be your best friend, your companion, your guide

His ability to bless you is not limited by anything

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is always there for you

He is the source of every blessed gift, riches, wealth you’ll ever receive

He is calling on to you now

What no one on earth can do for you, he’ll do many more

My Question to You: - Who will You Follow? Christ? Humans?

If you are ready to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and believe that he died on the cross of Calvary to set you free from the bondage of the devil,

kneel down and pray this prayer;

Lord Jesus, I believe in my heart and soul that you died for me.

I accept you into my life now.

Come into my spirit, body and soul.

Change my ways into what you want me to be.

Take control. Go into my past and erase it all.

Guide me now.

Prepare a great place for me in heaven.

Write my name in the book of life.

I do not want to perish, Lord.

I want to be with you in the Kingdom of heaven.

With you all things are possible.

In your powerful name I pray, Amen.

Congrats!!! You are now born again.

You are now a Christ follower. Place your trust in God and not in man.

As A Believer, You Need To:-

1) Read the bible always

2) Receive the Holy Spirit

3) Have the fear of God in you

4) Pray at all times

5) Have faith in God

6) Love the Lord your God with all your heart

7) Love your neighbor as yourself

8) Do well to others

To grow and nurture an ongoing relationship with God, keep coming back on this blog to know how it works.

For I tell you a man can accept what Christ has done without knowing how it works;

Indeed, he certainly won’t know how it works until he’s accepted it.

Hear the good news about Christ, believe in Him and then call on Him to save you.

The Fortunate girl

There was once a girl named Esther.
She registered for an essay competition which was organized for teen writers.
She practiced and prepared a lot because the winning prize was a huge sum of money.
A few days before the competing date, it was announced that the participants were to give oral speeches and not write essays.
Then, she figured out that she might not win as she was not really good at speaking out her mind
Notwithstanding, she showed up at the venue on the D-day.
Other participants, the panel of judges, hosts and guests were all present at the occasion.
Since the competing exercise had been changed, the competitors were asked to submit heir names if they were able to take up the challenge.
Esther decided not to come out and write down her name.
After a while the main activity of the day commenced and the submitted names were called upon.
One by one, they made their speech on the given topic.
Finally, the last person was called upon. The MC called out the name, “Esther”.
No one came forward. And so, Esther realized that she was the ONE.
She had no choice but to step out and make her opinion known.
She tried her best to express herself just as she would have written them on paper.
When she was done with her speech, she went back to her seat and the next event took off.
The judges put their heads together, sought each other’s opinion and collated their results.
Picking the winner was apparently a tough decision for the judges s they compared the performance, clarity, fluency, choice of words, composure and charisma of the competitors.
At last, after carefully presiding over the case at hand, they passed on the winner’s name ans the marks on to the announcer.
The announcer then announced the winner to the expectant and anxious spectators.
Alas, Esther had won even though she saw herself as not being worthy.
She went down on her knees and thanked God for the unexpected miracle.
She cried tears of joy because she and her parents were desperately in need of funds.
And likewise, she would be able to receive the recognition and assistance she had always wished for.
Esther was singled out at the occasion as the overall best.

The Moral Here:-

You never know what you are capable of doing until you are pushed.
Esther did not submit her name but still she was called out.
That shows that what we need in order to be successful in life is some sort of external force. One which will keep moving us forward and drive us to take calculated risks.
You can still make the most out of the rest of this year.
Sometimes it takes going through the bad moments to bring out the BEST in us.
I pray someone or something will push you into a greater height today.

As A Teenager, How Can I Make Money Online?

I am a Nigerian girl in a family that is financially in need of help. I am the first born out of five kids. I am fifteen years old but I am logically mature. I want to assist my parents in catering for some of the expenses.
I do not want to hawk items on streets. I will never oblige to being a sales girl or a house help like most girls around here do.
No, I want something that is prestigious and helps me to showcase the power of my intellectual facility.
It is not by my strength that I will find favor in the sight of all those who wish to offer me scholarship or any sort of sponsorships during my journey to success and financial freedom, but by God’s grace.
I guess I have been preparing for a long time as stated in my eBook that “the will to win is as important as the will to prepare.”
I have read many blog posts and online articles (thanks to my old model mobile phone). I’ve saved many web pages as offline pages in my phone browser so I can go over them later. As someone once said that to be a serious writer “the more you read, the more you write”.
I have written lots of notes on countless number of topics that bug me. My notes are mostly from the internet, TV/radio interviews or talk shows, in fact anything that inspires and motivates me to want to get more out of life will get written in my notebooks.
I know that I don’t have much money to start up a business (as I want to be self-employed). But after taking a deep look into the internet, I realized that there are many highly-lucrative businesses I can set up with just my hobbies and pastime.
I have my dad’s laptop all to myself (though all the software/applications on it are of older versions). I have a broadband modem which connects me to the internet and so every other thing could be gotten along the way.
And so here are the online businesses I will set up (thanks to the internet);
1) Blogging: - Have my very own online magazine and publish articles and posts that would inspire and lead many youths on the path to success.
2) Personal essays: - Write truthful stories about my life experiences and get them featured in newspapers and magazines.
3) EBook: - Write information that would be invaluable to the whole world.
4) Freelance Article Writer: - Write keyword-rich articles to improve the marketing strategies of companies. 5) Web App Developer: - Learn HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. Then, build something that people will find useful.
6) Web Designer: - Design web pages and make them look attractive and appealing.
7) Web Producer: - Create the HTML and CSS for a website.
8) Web Programmer: - Make web pages work and give them interactive features.
9) Mobile Phone App Creator: - Create hybrid apps that run on mobile devices and are written with web technologies.
10) Digital Product for web and mobile: - Code and provide great UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) for digital/ virtual products.
11) Computer Programmer: - Develop useful, problem-solving application software for Windows, Mac and other system operating systems.
12) Affiliate marketer: - Get paid to promote other people’s products.
13) Cartoonist: - Create animated cartoons that would educate, inform and entertain kids, teens and young adults.
14) Graphic Designer: - Plan and project ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. Make connections between the visual and textual world ( objects, images, messages).
15) Full feature Social Networking Site: - Something that’s going to shake the world.
Saturday, 17 September 2016

A Typical Low-class Family In Nigeria

Father, Mother and Children
The Man, a university graduate, is unemployed
The wife, also a graduate, has a tailoring shop
The couple strive to take care of their kids
The family gets by every day
Three-square meals aren't certain
They put on cheap clothes
They manage to rent a single room in a ghetto
The kids attend low-quality schools
They always ask family and friends for money
Getting money in order to survive becomes their utmost priority
They keep praying for a change of circumstance
They become an object of ridicule to all who know their predicament
Their matter gives birth to gossip talks
The home is seen as being poverty-stricken
The kids envy their peers and wonder why they weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths
They soon become fed up and frustrated

I'm getting there

Been on the look out
Searching for viable ideas and opportunities
Must make the dough
Got no time for play
Have to contribute In changing the world
My numerous dreams must come true
Gonna eradicate poverty, suffering and joblessness
Gonna give my family the best
Spend my own hard-earned money
Will be known as an instrument of positive change
Become a lady of substance
The hour is come
As i reach out to the world,
I will make my message and Our Heavenly Father's message known to everyone on earth
Watch Out World!
I'm Gonna Lauch Soon!
Thursday, 15 September 2016


It is a privilege that we all can share our ideas to people all over the earth without any hassle.
It has been simplified and so all we need to do is write and promote.
I am new to blogging although I've studied the masters in this game.
Just to send my Shout Out to the world.
You all should expect to see inspiring, educating, intuitive and life-changing articles on this blog.
Please endeavor to comment on whatever you might have an opinion on, post links to this blog and also share favorite posts on social networks.
I hope God gives us all the grace to make the world we are living in a better place.
I can feel that we're gonna be best friends.
We all are gonna make huge successes out of ourselves.
I Love You All.

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